
The E lectronic Silo Certs best practice for security

Electronic Silo Certs has ensured that we have provided you, the client, with a state of the art secured website with 128 bit encryption. We have also ensured that we keep security as a high priority in everything we do. Included in our security process we have two levels of secure access:

Although we maintain the highest industry security standards, you are able to enhance your personal security by taking the following additional precautions which will help you to practice safe surfing and safe transacting, so please read these few very important points.

  • Keep both your ESC (website) password; username and your 6 digit PIN secret. Do not at any time divulge this to another person.
  • If need be change these passwords on a regular basis
  • Also keep your PIN number safe at all times.
  • Do not allow your Internet browser to save your password in windows.
  • Make sure when you log on to  ESC that the window where the website address is displayed is on the following address. (This is your URL address.) Also ensure that there is a small padlock at the bottom of your browser that looks like this: (click on it to verify the verisign certificate if you require it)
  • Control access to your computer and do not allow anyone to install or adjust settings without checking that it is safe and that they are a trusted person, particularly with regards your office computer.